Let’s talk about growth. Growth happens in inches, not by meters. I’m constantly reminding myself of this and yet, I’m still impatient.
I don’t know if it’s the millennial in me (i.e the instant gratification generation) or what, but sometimes I need to slow my roll. Growth IS happening.
Story time…
I started my blog in 2016. I wasn’t consistent about posting, I didn’t build a social media presence, and I hadn’t started an email newsletter at all.
It took me 2 years to even figure out how to really build a presence for my “brand” (I hate using that term, sound pretentious).
Once I figured out my goals and what I wanted Nubelease to represent, I got impatient. I felt so confident that if I just executed my ideas, the flood gates would open, and POW I’d be a successful blogger.
It wasn’t until about 2018 that I ACTUALLY started executing on my goals. I started to post more content and I started to get into a groove with posting to social media. 2 YEARS LATER!
Well, needless to say the flood gates never opened.
I spent the rest of 2018 wondering if I was doing something wrong, if I was ACTUALLY good at blogging, etc. So many things ran through my mind. I became discouraged about my goals and dreams. Why?
I was being IMPATIENT! I was being distracted by other people’s success (well deserved success), I was not doing the research to know where I should promote content, as well as what content I should be creating for my audience.
Now its 2019 and man have things changed! I finally let go of where I felt I should be, I created a concrete vision, and I set weekly goals. Then, seemingly out of nowhere I saw my first big success in just a few months.
I experienced my first viral pin this year!
Since starting my blog lots of small and big successes have been made. That growth happened over time. Growth happens in inches, not by meters.
Growth can happen for you. It can happen NOW.
As long as you are doing at least one thing a day towards your goal, you will make progress, you will grow.
Those days will stack into weeks, and weeks stack into months and eventually you’ll look back on years of growth.
Take some time to do 2 things:
- First, Create your vision, Set your Goals, then Execute as consistently as possible.
- Second, appreciate where you were last month, 1 year ago, and even 5 years ago. You have grown!
Growth happens by the inches, not by meters.
Have a great week,
Thank you for this post, I recently began my journey as a blogger and sometimes I get discouraged. You are completely correct growth takes time, it is a journey that you have to be willing to continuously work and walk the path.
Thanks, I needed this. Cheers!