I’ve been blogging for quite a while…in a very inconsistent way.
Sometimes I’m on it for a little bit and I’m writing posts, making Pinterest pins, and I am really in the zone.
Other times, I don’t do anything on the blog for months and months.
Whether I’m on it and I’m really focused or whether I don’t do anything on it for months, in both of those scenarios I feel…nervous and scared.
I’m scared that I’ve been doing all of this (since 2016) for nothing.
I’m scared that I’ve just spun my wheels for so long, that no one will care anymore about my old-school blog.
Times have changed so much since the 2016 Blogger, YouTuber Beauty Guru era.
Is a beauty blog relevant anymore? Do people even blog anymore? Shouldn’t I just focus on a TikTok account?
It’s scary.
It’s scary for me to think that I am deeply invested in something that may not even be successful anymore, because it’s “just not a thing”.
But equally, I’m afraid of success, so sometimes I back off and just don’t do anything #overwhelmed
How does one get to the good part, the “momma I made it” and I’m so proud of myself side?!
Can I just skip the scared sh*tless part?
I don’t think I can.
In fact, I’m starting to think that being scared is a necessary part of the process.
There’s just no way that I could have an appreciation for what I’ve built (even though no one knows it, no one sees it, and no one cares right now) if it was scared at the start, then gained confidence by “figuring it out” later…hopefully with success.
I’ve started from zero, had a little success, got knocked down to 0 (which is where I’m at now) and now I’m re-building.
So back “in the zone” I go.
I’m still nervous and scared, but if I can get to the other side of this, maybe there’s all of my hopes and dreams waiting for me on the other side.
xo Hanya Marie